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Trip to China
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Friday, April 13, 2007

Today was our last full day in Guangzhou. We leave for the airport around 5am tomorrow morning, Saturday, April 14, and arrive home in Pittsburgh the same day at around 6pm!

Our last day in Guangzhou was quite busy as we tried to take advantage of the warm weather again. We took a morning walk, ate breakfast, then just strolled around until early afternoon when Ainsley took a nap in her stroller as the “traveling grandmas” pushed her around and David tried to take a nap in his hotel room.

Around 3pm, Ainsley, David, and his mom boarded a bus to head to the US Consulate to receive Ainsley’s immigrant visa and take an oath (Shannon’s mom stayed behind to take care of other things). David and Ainsley both dressed in red, white, and blue for the trip to US Consulate! Everything went smoothly and Ainsley is now all set to enter the US!

It is a strange feeling to be leaving China with Ainsley and taking her to our home so far away and so different in so many profound ways. It is all still somewhat surreal that just two weeks ago we entered China alone and now we are leaving with this living, breathing, screaming, crying (Ha! Let’s hope not!) little 1-year old who has only known us for a short time. Everything she has ever known is about to change even more. What an awesome responsibility we have to love her and care for her! The next few months will be filled with joy and sorrow, ups and downs, victories and defeats, laughter and tears…as we welcome Ainsley home and love her into our family.

There are so many mixed emotions – a pleasant expectancy for our upcoming reunion with family and friends, and also a palpable panic as the reality of traveling 20+ hours in an airplane with a toddler is setting in. PLEASE PRAY FOR US!

(some of these may or may not really be the first time Ainsley has done something, but right now they are definitely “firsts” with her new family)

• Ainsley drank from her “sippy cup” all by herself.
• Ainsley received her immigrant visa for the United States of America (watch out USA…here comes Ainsley!)

UPDATE FROM HOME (04.12.2007)
Griffin and Mommy continue to learn more and more about each other. We ran our first Target errands solo today and had a successful trip! We also got to visit with some of Griffin's new friends - Eli and Hope! Just really getting anxious to have everyone home. Can't believe how soon we'll all be together! – Shannon

Ainsley, David, and the “traveling grandmas” thank everyone for their love, support, and prayers throughout this journey so far! We can’t wait to be home!!

David and Ainsley
enjoying the nightlife in Guangzhou

Ainsley on one of the famous red couches at the White Swan Hotel (doesn’t look like she is all that impressed!)

David and Ainsley on the red couch
(much better in Daddy’s arms)

David and Ainsley outside in the park on a beautiful day
(the warm sunshine put Ainsley right to sleep)

David, his mom, and Ainsley on the way to the US Consulate
to receive Ainsley’s immigrant visa and take the required oath
(can you find them in the picture?)

David and Ainsley returning from the US Consulate
nearly 3 hours later (a little tired)

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