Sophie was found on January
26, 2004, at six days old. She was sent to Guilin SWI and
was named Jing Xiao in hopes that her future would be as
beautiful as the music played on the xiao, a Chinese reed
flute. At five months she loved her caretaker to hold her
and sing songs to her. In return she would stroke her
caretaker's face. At seven months she could sit alone and
began crawling. One month later she could crawl well and
if her caretaker said "Sweet, come here" she would crawl
quickly to her. At ten months she could stand holding on
and began stepping. A few days after she turned one she
was able to walk. She is now a one year two month baby.
She is so happy to see her caretaker coming for work that
she cries "Mom, mom" reaching out her hands. Now, JingXiao
is able to do some postures if asked, such as waving
goodbye, and blowing kisses. If someone asks "How old are
you?" she will sometimes hold up one finger as her answer.
"Pure and undefiled religion before our God
and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their
distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
- James 1:27