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About Sophie
First information  |  October 31, 2005  |  December 1, 2005

These pictures were taken on October 31 when a friend of ours was able to visit Guilin after adopting her daughter from there a few days before. She emailed us from China to tell us that they had been able to see her and that she was healthy, beautiful and very loved by her nanny. We have since found out that Sophie has been cared for by this one particular nanny since she came to the SWI. When our friends came to ask about her and to take pictures of her, the nanny assumed that these Americans had come to adopt Sophie and began to cry. When the translator explained that no, these people were just inquiring on behalf of Sophie's parents she continued to cry. Her explanation was "You see, I'm happy for her, that she will have a family, but I am sad for me because, I love her."


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