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Our Family


Jennifer & Steve A.K.A Mom & Dad


Conor: 10 years old
Loves all sports & can’t
wait to teach his sister!

Parker: 8 years old
Outdoors man/animal lover
can’t wait to go exploring
with his little sister!

Chase: 4 years
Soon to be big
brother & can’t
wait to play with Zoe!

Shirley & Steve A.K.A Grandma & Papa
Grandma & Grandpa live in the same town & can’t wait
to have a granddaughter to spoil!

Robin & Susan A.K.A Papa & Grandma
Grandma Susan will be staying with the boys while we're in China

Asian Adoption
God sends us many precious gifts,
But there none that can compare
With the wonder of our baby
Who's the answer to our prayer.
The sparkle in those almond eyes
Is like the twinkling stars at night,
And the smile on that moon-shaped
Face is like sunshine's golden light.
An angel child with raven hair
And tiny little nose.
Skin so soft and perfect
As the petals of a rose.
No miracle's as wondrous-
Not trees, nor sky, nor sun-
As this "little bit of heaven," and
Our new life that's just begun!"
~author unknown

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