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We're Home
December 7, 2009
  |  January 30, 2010  |  February 24, 2010  |  March 29, 2010  |  April 29, 2010  |
June 27, 2010  |  July 25, 2010  |  August 30, 2010  |  October 23, 2010  |  December 2, 2010

Monday, December 7, 2009

After 23 hours of traveling we are finally home. Zoe did great on the 11 hour flight she slept for all but four hours of it. The five hour layover in San Francisco was very hard with the now very tired parents.

I took a picture of her with dad as we stepped off the plane and she must have known we were home she was all smiles! We went through a very long customs line in San Francisco and the officer opened her brown envelope here. The last flight to Portland was 1 hour and 45 minutes and we got her to sleep just before we got on and she slept the entire plane ride. Once we arrived at the Portland airport I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started getting emotional thinking about us seeing our boys very soon. As we walked out of the terminal you could hear the squeals of the boys as they could see us. It was a sweet long awaited reunion and they all went straight to meet their new little sister. They hugged her and kissed her, she was a bit overwhelmed. Both Grandma's were there and her Aunt Anna and Uncle Sean. After getting our luggage we were starving and decided pizza sounded good, so we headed to the nearest pizza parlor. Zoe was so happy and excited, she loved playing the games and dancing to the music in the game room. She had her first pizza and gobbled it all up. We then had a two hour drive home and she didn't like the idea of being buckled up, we've been buckle free the entire China trip. She cried off and on the whole way home. Once we were home Grandpa was waiting to meet his granddaughter. We slowly showed her the rooms of the house. She is terrified of our dogs and screams if they get near her, so this will be something we will be working on, even the cat is not okay. Next the kids were dying to show Zoe her room. She looked around at all the toys and watched as the boys each showed her how things worked. Next the boys wanted her to see their bedrooms and she loved all of the musical instruments, she rocked out on Parker's drums. We've been staying around the house the last two days letting her get used to each of the boys. We will be venturing out more the next few weeks as I have lots of shopping to catch up on. She helped us decorate the Christmas Tree tonight and loved all the decorations. We also got a red couch photo of all the kids in their Chinese clothing to use for our Christmas cards, she has caught on quick as to what to do when mom has the camera. Our next up date will probably be in January and I will hopefully have updated medical information at that time. Thanks to all that followed our Journey to bring our little girl home.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Zoe happy to be in the U.S.A

Meeting her brothers for the first time

Checking out her room

Rocking out on the drums

First family picture

Chase & Zoe in front of the tree

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