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We're Home
December 7, 2009  |  January 30, 2010  February 24, 2010  |  March 29, 2010  |  April 29, 2010  |
June 27, 2010  |  July 25, 2010    August 30, 2010  |  October 23, 2010  |  December 2, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wow time has flown by since my last update. So much has happen in the last 1 1/2 months. I will start where I left off last time. The week after returning home Zoe had a dentist appointment and doctor's appointment, both which went very well.. We were told that her teeth looked great! Her pediatrician didn't want to scare her on the first visit so he mainly just answered questions and we made a plan. We returned home in the midst of the holiday season and went straight into holiday mode decorating the house and setting up the tree. Zoe loved to help put ornaments on the tree and also loved making a mess with all the stuff that was out. She really enjoyed her first Christmas party and waved at Santa but wouldn't sit on his lap.

She got a hang of opening presents but was a little overwhelmed with all that was going on around her and so the other boys had to finish helping her open gifts. She met a lot of family and friends over the last month, she was shy at first but opened up pretty quickly. She started daycare two weeks ago and seems to like it, although as she becomes more and more attached to us she has a harder time with us leaving her. She had a few more doctor appointments this month with some bloodwork and more shots. Everything came back good, other than we have to do the Hep B series again because it didn't show on her titer. Our appointment with the Ear specialist went well and we won't have any further appointments until she is four or five. She was also tested by Early Intervention and qualified for in home speech therapy twice or more a month which we will start next week. She also has a audiology appointment for next week and we will find out what kind of hearing she has, which if you ask me is better than mine!

She loves her brothers and squeals with excitement when she sees them walking up to the house from school. She shares a special bond with her youngest brother Chase and the two of them together = trouble!

She is such a smart little girl, she has learned every sign that I have taught her (I'm going to have to by another signing book), she can point to most areas of her body, she follows directions good and loves to sing and dance! We feel so blessed to have her in our lives, she has got us all wrapped around her little finger. We love her so much and feel even more blessed that she already loves us back.

I hope to update this website monthly until our one year anniversary, so stay tuned!

First professional picture

Parker, Zoe, Chase & Conor

Our Family

Zoe & one of her favorite presents a princess phone

Our cutie

Future Cheerleader for OSU!

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