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We're Home
December 7, 2009  |  January 30, 2010  |  February 24, 2010  March 29, 2010  |  April 29, 2010  |
June 27, 2010  |  July 25, 2010  August 30, 2010  |  October 23, 2010  December 2, 2010

Saturday, October 23,  2010

Wow I can't believe it's been almost a year. Next month we will be making our last and final update to our website. So much has happened over the last two months.

First Zoe started Preschool beginning of September and has a small class size of seven kids. She's doing very well and we've seen her language even blossom more over the last two months. She also started receiving speech therapy again at school and attends a speech class two mornings a week. In September we also had our big appointment at the Hospital for her hearing test and CT scan.

Zoe was born with Microtia/Atresia of the right ear, and until last month we weren't sure what the condition was of her right ear. We received some great news, not only does she have hearing in her right ear but the all the structures of the inner ear are normal. What this means is that she's a good candidate for surgery at a later date to open up her canal. We have an appointment on November 5th to go over the details of what's to come.

We've also enjoyed sharing all the fall festivities with Zoe since she came home in December of last year. So far she's been to two pumpkin patches, through a very complicated corn maze, and watched many football and soccer games.

Her brothers continue to adore her and we have to remind them that she can't get her way in every situation. In the last few weeks we've had to deal with some anxiety issues when we have to leave her at school or daycare. I think she's just finally getting to the stage were she is truly bonded and attached to us.

We love this little girl and can't wait to celebrate our one year Gotcha day next month. I made a Gotcha video in August and you can view it here.

First day of school

Zoe getting ready to go for her CT scan

Mom & Zoe

Zoe & Chase at older brother Conor's Diabetes walk

Brianna, Chase & Zoe at a Pink Party

Zoe at the pumpkin patch with her class

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