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We're Home
December 7, 2009  |  January 30, 2010  |  February 24, 2010  March 29, 2010  |  April 29, 2010  |
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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Well things are finally starting to settle in at our house. Zoe continues to do great. We had a few behavior issues in the last month but those have since been resolved.

The doctors visits have slowed down and we are now only going in for shots every few months. She continues to see specialists from Early Intervention and has made some great strides in speech in the month. She now uses a few words on her own and can copy about 20 or so words. Were still working on the potty training, she goes every time we set her on the potty but she has a hard time letting us know when she has to go. She celebrated her first Easter and we joined another family at their church. She enjoyed coloring eggs & her hands! It didn't take her long to figure out how to hunt eggs either, she was right in there with the boys. The weather is finally getting better here on the West Coast so Zoe is finally able to explore our backyard and play at parks. Were looking forward to the summer and our big trip to Disney World in June.

We also just learned that a family that we met up with while in China is going to join us at Disney World for a few days, were so excited to be reunited with them & their daughters!

Zoe loves diving into the balls at the Bounce house
(she has no fear)

Our beautiful children all dressed up for Church

Loving her new swimsuit!

Our family on Easter Sunday

Loving the park!

Just a little scared of the slide

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