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Monday, August 30, 2010

This month marks nine months together as a family. Zoe still continues to amaze me in her ability to adapt to every new situation. She has done a lot this past month.

She attended her first fair and rode rides, which she loved. Any ride that she met height restrictions for she rode. Then we attended our agencies annual summer picnic at a park that also had amusement rides.

We met up with some pretty amazing families from our area. She rode more rides and even tried rollerskating (which was really hard for her to stay up). She continues to attend her gymnastics class where she is getting better and better about
listening and following directions. The first few classes she was done after a half hour and would step out of the class, now she can make it through the whole hour. We took a road trip down the California Redwoods and beach, she loved the trees and playing in the sand.

As far as speech goes she coming around slowly, she'll have her good weeks where she learns and says a few new words and then go a week without adding any. She starts preschool in a couple of weeks and will be getting speech therapy a few times a month so that should help.

She still continues to be a real girly girl. She's always sneaking into the bathroom to put on lipstick or paint her nails. She comes to me every morning with a hair tie and wants me to put it in her hair. She refuses to wear certain clothes if it's girly enough.
She has a few favorite dresses that I have to hid otherwise she would never wear anything else. She loves jewelry and comments on the jewelry that other people are wearing (necklaces, bracelets or earrings). She already owns more jewelry than her mom! She attended a Princess party last weekend for a friend and it was right up her alley, we curled her hair with rollers and she wore a pearl necklace and bracelet, she was in heaven!

I can't express how much love we have for this little girl and how much she has filled our lives with joy. I am still in awe with how perfect she has fit into our family and how much her brothers love her and admire her. She has us all wrapped around her finger and she knows it too.

Riding a roller coaster at the fair

Standing in front of a Redwood tree

Playing in the sand at the beach

Having fun at Kayli's Princess party
(Kayli, Chase & Zoe)

My little princess

My favorite close up picture

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