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December 7, 2009  |  January 30, 2010  |  February 24, 2010  March 29, 2010  |  April 29, 2010  |
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Thursday, December 2,  2010

Here we are now already at a year. Boy did it go by fast. Last week on Zoe's Gotcha Day Anniversary we decided to watch some of the China videos. She has changed so much in this year. When I think back to the day we met her I think of her as an infant, even though she was over two years old at the time. She had no hair, no language, never ate solid foods, was not potty trained, could barely run, and everything was new to her. In a years time her hair has grown past her shoulders, she says three to four word sentences, eats anything and everything, is potty trained and can not only run but do somersaults and walk on balance beams. She is amazing, her little brain like a sponge absorbing everything around her.

She celebrated her first Halloween, dressed as Minnie Mouse and it didn't take her long to figure out what to say to get candy. She ran along side her brothers and would push her way in between them to make sure that she was front and center when the door opened.

On November 23rd her Gotcha day we were up at the University Hospital to get the results of her CT scan that she had back in September. The doctor gave us both good news and bad news. The bad news is that he didn't feel surgery to open up her ear canal was possible due to a facial nerve that was in the way. Good news however is that she is a good candidate for a BAHA (external hearing device) that she would wear as a headband until she was old enough to have it surgical placed at the time of her outer ear reconstruction. After the doctors visit we took Zoe to build a bear to let her pick out a bear to stuff. She spotted a Hello Kitty and decided that's what she wanted. She loved picking out the clothes and shoes. We ended the night with a pumpkin cheesecake and sang her a happy gotcha day song.

This was an amazing year and I can't wait to see what the years to come hold. Zoe is an amazing, smart, beautiful little girl that we love so very much.
This is our last post on her website, you can continue to follow our daily lives on our blog at

Chase & Zoe dressed up on Halloween

Zoe holding her Hello Kitty
that she named Meow

Our family on Thanksgiving

Zoe & Chase all dressed up

Zoe posing for picture

Our little girl!

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