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We're Home
December 7, 2009  |  January 30, 2010  |  February 24, 2010  March 29, 2010  |  April 29, 2010  |
June 27, 2010  |  July 25, 2010    August 30, 2010  |  October 23, 2010  |  December 2, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today marks three months since Zoe was placed in our arms. Everyday I look at her in amazement that she's here with us. I fell in love with her the very moment I laid eyes on her referral picture and that love continues to grow. That said I think our Honeymoon period has ended and she now is testing her boundaries. Some weeks I feel like we've made lots of progress, but then the next week I feel we have moved backwards. She now can look into ours eyes for periods of time, she used to get really uncomfortable with this but has learned that it's safe and okay. She loves her brothers and the fun things they do with her, she loves giving them big hugs or a pat on the back when their sad. She's such a happy, fun spirited girl, who loves to dress up, play with her kitchen set, dance to anything, and sing twinkle twinkle. She began copying words a couple weeks ago and now can copy about six words. When she's not being stubborn, she will point to parts of her body you name and point to people in the family as you name them.

We've had a busy month celebrating our first Chinese New Year's and going to lots of basketball games and tournaments. We had a few nice days this last week and she got to explore outside our house for the first time, and play on the playground at the kids school. She had her hearing test a few weeks ago and it went very well, we were told that she has excellent hearing in her left ear and should develop normal speech. She's had a few visits at our house with a speech therapist and has made great progress. We have another busy month ahead with two of the boys birthday's and our first trip to California for spring break, I will update again the end of March.

Zoe playing dress-up

Loving the ball pit

Grandma & Zoe celebrating
Chinese New Year's

Zoe playing with chopsticks at a Mandarin restaurant celebrating  Chinese New Year's with our adoption agency

The kids all dressed up for a special event at Conor's school

Loving the swing
(she refused to get off)

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