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We're Home
December 7, 2009  |  January 30, 2010  |  February 24, 2010  March 29, 2010  |  April 29, 2010  |
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wow the last two months flew by. I didn't get a chance to do an update in May so I'm combining the two months.

In the last two months Zoe has been to lots & lots of baseball game, each of the boys, Steve and I play. I also enrolled her in a gymnastics class and she's in LOVE. She spends most of her time on the bars and has amazing upper body strength. She will continue to go through the summer and her friend Kayli will also be in class with her. The last two weeks we had her in swimming lessons and she LOVES the water. She's not afraid to go under the water and loved jumping in to me.

She has made enormous progress in speech in just the last two weeks and now can say quite a few words on her own that we can understand. We will still be working with a speech therapist in the fall when she starts pre-school, but I think her therapist will be surprised at how far she's come. We had an appointment last week with a Facial surgery specialist and found out that she won't need surgery until she's 6 or 7, that's if we even choose to do it at all.

She got her ear pierced the same day, although we were only able to pierce one because the doctor didn't want anything done to her other ear. She is obsessed with earrings, rings, necklaces, clothes and anything really girly. We had her birthday party yesterday at the park. She loved being the center of attention and all the presents. Most of all she LOVED when we sang Happy Birthday to her, she just kept laughing and smiling and knew exactly how to blow the candle out. Well were off to Disney World tomorrow and so our next update will include our first family vacation!

Our little model, she got 25 pictures taken, changed into 5 different outfits, and loved every minute of it!

Zoe on the bar at Little Gym

Blowing out her candles on her Minnie Mouse cake

The three Mouseketeers : Zoe, Chase & Kaylie

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