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We're Home
December 7, 2009  |  January 30, 2010  |  February 24, 2010  March 29, 2010  |  April 29, 2010  |
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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where does the time go? Zoe continues to do well. In the last month she has learned to say over twenty new words and uses them pretty regularly. She is now potty trained, YEAH!!!! She decided on our vacation to Disney World that she was ready to go in the toilet. It was a bit of pain locating a restroom every fifteen to thirty minutes, but in the end it was worth it. She really enjoyed her first trip to Disney and had a great 3rd birthday at Magic Kingdom. There were a few rides that she'd let us know that she didn't want to ride again, Pirates of the Caribbean was one of them, after getting off she pointed back to the ride and said " that's bad". She loved meeting the different characters and especially the Princesses, she would point out their dresses, necklaces and earrings on each one of them and her smile was as big as it gets. She also enjoyed the water parks and we found out that she loves the water. She wanted to go under the water over and over again, and no slide was too big for her, if there wasn't a height restriction she was going down it. What we all enjoyed most though is meeting up with the Barton family and reuniting the girls. We met them while in China and met our daughters on the same day, in the same room. They met the rest of our family, since the boys didn't travel with us to China and they all hit it off good. We can't wait till we meet up again. After returning home she went to her first rodeo, rode her first pony (since then has rode another one) and went to the county fair.

Our next post will be at the end of August before the hustle and bustle of school starts........

All the kids meeting Mickey Mouse

With her favorite character Minnie Mouse

Hollywood studios posing in front of Lightening McQueen

The Barton Family & us before breakfast with Donald

Zoe & her favorite Princess Belle

On her 3rd birthday in the outfit Grandma made for her!

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