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We're Home
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Monday, March 29, 2010

We met Zoe four months ago on the 23rd, and she has grown so much in that little time. March was a busy month for us, two of her brothers had birthday parties and we went on her first road trip during spring break.

She's beginning to talk more and over this last weekend she started using words to tell us what she wanted. On the 14th she had a blast at Parker's birthday party, we rented a bounce house and we couldn't get her out of it, she bounced right along side the big kids. Chase's party she enjoyed playing at an indoor play area and loved jumping in the ball pit. She has met the rest of our extended family over the last two weeks and was such a trooper, she would act shy at first and would warm up fast. Last week we went on our first vacation since being home and drove down to my aunts in California. She met her cousin Brianna for the first time and they got along great. She had a bit of hard time the first night away from home, being in a different bed and without her daddy. Daddy met up with us the next day and she wouldn't let go of him for the rest of the day. We also visited Chuckee Cheese and met up with another family that adopted from China. Zoe got a bit overwhelmed here and was very emotional. We ended the week with a trip to Six Flags for the day and had a great day watching animal shows and riding rides. Zoe sat through all of the shows and would clap her hands. She loved riding the kiddy rides, which is good since were going to Disney World in June.

Zoe is such a happy, loving girl and is a joy to be around. I work three days a week and the days I work I can't wait to get home to see her and play with her. She continues to get along great with her brothers and has them all wrapped around her little finger. It's so neat to see how the boys have accepted her into their hearts and the love they have for her. We are so in love with this little girl!

Zoe at Chase's Birthday Party

I love this pic of all the kids!

Zoe & her pigtails

Our little girl

Zoe & Bri

Zoe watching the Tiger show at Six Flags

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