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Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy New Year! As 2008 begins, we are excited about what lies ahead for the “Clubb Family of Four!” Of course, looking ahead also causes us to pause and look back. And we think 2007 will go down as a pretty big year for us to say the least! Ha!

As we look back through the pages of this Web site (just one of many ways we are chronicling our journey as a family), and as we otherwise reflect on our journey to parenthood, it is amazing to see how much has happened and how fast the time has gone by. Griffin came into our lives first on March 9, 2007, but his big sister Ainsley was soon to follow on April 14, 2007 when she and Daddy came home from China and joined Mommy and Griffin. Since their arrivals, Griffin and Ainsley have turned our world upside-down, our hearts inside-out, and our perspective on life right-side-up! It has not always been easy, nor has it always been fun, but it has always been a humbling blessing beyond measure. What a privilege and an honor to be able to have a daughter like Ainsley and a son like Griffin! And what an awesome responsibility to be a parent! We know there is so much to learn and experience in 2008! We can’t wait!

Since our last update on December 14, we had a whirlwind of holiday celebrations with all the grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins! Shannon’s family drove out to Pittsburgh to celebrate in our home the week prior to Christmas and then we made the trek to North Carolina to visit with David’s family for the week of Christmas. It is always extra special to spend time with the family now that we have Griffin and Ainsley. We love seeing them get to know their extended family and hope they will develop some close bonds with them as they get older. We still have a few more visits planned this month and into February with some family members we weren’t able to see over the holidays, so Christmas is still not over for the Clubb house!

Books, Babies, and a Toy Kitchen

We warned the grandparents that we didn’t want this first Christmas with their new grandchildren to be overboard with gifts. While we think they all tried to restrain themselves, we still ended up with quite a lot! They got a box full of books, a toy kitchen, a new baby doll, some play tools, and much more from the grandparents and other family members. They love it all!

Ainsley definitely started to figure out the concept of opening gifts and she would perk right up when you would say – “Do you want to open a present?” She was also very good at passing out the presents and was eager to do so. And Griffin was a pretty good present-opener as well!

After returning home from NC, we decided to have our own family Christmas on New Year’s morning. We gave the kids a few gifts from us, including a toy airport complete with passengers, a taxi, and (of course) an airplane! They have been busy ever since playing with every last inch of each new thing! We now have all of their toys separated out into four bins that are stored in the basement. Each week, we rotate them in and out so the kids don’t get overwhelmed or bored with their new things!

Ainsley turned 21 months old on January 5. She is becoming more and more independent and seems to be showing some signs of what we hear about those “terrible two’s.” We’re trying to allow her to be independent in places that are appropriate so that she can feel she has a bigger role in caring for herself. They are simple things but they make a difference – like pulling down her own sleeves after mealtimes, getting her pajamas off in the morning, putting her clothes in the hamper before bath time, etc. More and more it seems that she is a sensitive little girl and even the slightest “off tone” from us can set her off into a crying fit. She really loves to be cuddled and tickled. She also is trying to learn the concept of sharing and will now give Griffin a toy in place of the one she wants to take from him by saying “Here Gee Gee!” On the other hand, she has also developed a bit of a bossy nature (as all kids do, right?!) by telling Griffin “No, no” if he gets even an inch too close to her baby or to a toy she is especially interested in for the moment. She loves playing with her kitchen and has started a lot of make-believe play – giving us some tea or food and blowing on it if it is too hot!

Grandma Gump Gump came out for a recent visit to help while Shannon had a big work event to prepare for and she instituted the official “Letter Day!” She spent each new day showing Ainsley a new letter and talking about that letter. Ainsley now knows her “A” and “S” without a doubt and is pretty good at “I” and “N” too. It was an idea we loved and Shannon plans to continue it at least once a week.

Another big event for Ainsley this past month was when we accidentally left her baby in North Carolina after Christmas! Meme called us an hour into our drive home to tell us that she had just found “Baby” on the floor. We first tried to take the approach that we wouldn’t bring it up, but when we got home and she found the baby’s hat or clothes, all we heard was “baby, baby?” We then tried to tell her that Meme and Grandpa had her baby and so she started saying “baby, Meme, Grandpa?” (She doesn’t quite say Grandpa…but she says something that means Grandpa but it is impossible to write out!) Luckily, Meme got her in the mail right away and we had a sweet reunion with baby later that week!

Jamaica in January
(“No Problem Mon!”)

We’re off to Jamaica! Pretty soon we will be boarding our flight and headed to the sun, sand, and crystal clear waters of the Caribbean. We are scheduled to arrive in Jamaica at 9:30am after a very early 6am departure from Pittsburgh! We are a little nervous about the 3 ½ hour flight this time – mainly about Griffin, and not so much about Ainsley since she always does pretty good on trips. We are nervous about Griffin because he has changed quite a bit since our trip to Turks & Caicos back in July 2007 when he was just four months old. Back then Griffin was content to be fed at take-off and then sleep the whole flight. Now he is an on-the-go little baby who is close to walking and who does not really want to be held. Should make for an interesting flight! We’re trying to think of all the things we can to entertain and engage him for a 3 ½ hour flight. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll sleep most of the flight since we’ll have woken him up so early for the 6am take-off.

Once we arrive in Jamaica, we get to enjoy some sunshine and swimming pools and soft white sand for a whole week! We are definitely excited to see Ainsley swim again and get into her “vacation mode” where she just runs around with a funny smirk on her face! And, of course, this time Griffin will be much more alert and able to take in all the fun as well – including more time in the water, which he loves! Once there, we think this trip might be easier than our last one, particularly in terms of mealtimes since Griffin is now a very eager eater of all kinds of food, whereas last time he was only being breastfed and was stuck in his car seat while we tried to enjoy meals. On the other hand, there are other ways in which this trip might be harder once we arrive at the resort. For example, hanging out on the beach or by the pool will likely be a little more difficult with two children who are mobile now. Last time Griffin mainly slept in his car seat, but now he wants to be down and climbing and crawling and exploring!

No matter what happens, we’re set to roll with it and enjoy ourselves! And we’ll be sure to give an update next month!

Griffin turned 10 months old on January 9. He is SO close to walking that every day we’re waiting for the big moment. He continues to stand independently for longer and longer stretches of time but still doesn’t quite take the steps. He started giving kisses this past month, which is so sweet! They are quite slobbery, but we don’t care! He also started clapping and loves to clap at the dinner table and watch as we all follow. Then he stops and we stop, and then he starts again, only to have us follow on and on! He also started reaching for things in case we were not clear what he wanted. Ha!

He got yet another tooth (total of 8 now), so one of his Christmas presents was a toothbrush, which we’ve started using with no complaints so far! He loves being all over the place and playing with all of his new toys. He seems to understand our tone now when we say “Griffin” or “No” when he is about to get too close to something he shouldn’t be near. Many times he will sit down and go on to something else. But, he also likes to “run” away too. If he sees us coming near him, he crawls as fast as he can to get away! It’s a fun game right now, but not sure if it will always be that way. The one thing Griffin is really into now is wrestling with anyone who will take him on. He absolutely loves to wrestle! If anyone is lying on the floor, he makes a beeline straight for them and is crawling all over them laughing and screaming! He is a strong and funny little boy and we love watching his personality develop. He is such a happy boy 99% of the time – really! And for that we feel so blessed. He is just a joy!

OTHER HIGHLIGHTS (or Lowlights!)

Sick as a Dog … Literally. Bosco ran away for 20 minutes earlier this week, which is the longest he’s ever run off. Shannon even called our neighbor to come watch the kids so she could go looking for him. Unfortunately, he must have eaten something terribly disgusting on his journey because we spent the next 3 days cleaning up after him – the first time he vomited directly in the middle of our bed (luckily we were not in it at the time). This pretty much set the tone for the whole week since poor Griffin then was sick on Friday night. (For some reason, Grandma Gump Gump had just been saying recently how she can’t believe we didn’t have to deal with throw up with the kids yet. Jinx! Now we have. Thanks a lot Grandma Gump Gump!) Griffin woke up about an hour after going to bed and when he didn’t quiet down, Shannon finally went in to check on him and the poor thing was covered with throw-up and still trying to just lay down and go to sleep. Shannon was next, spending all day Saturday sick and in bed. David followed all day Sunday. Now we’re just keeping our fingers crossed that this 24-hour stomach bug somehow misses Ainsley. We definitely want to be back to 100% by the time our trip comes around.

● Weight Check – Griffin was 21 pounds and 11 ounces this past week. We haven’t had Ainsley weighed recently, but she feels much lighter than he does. She is definitely getting taller and all of her clothes are getting too short in the legs and sleeves (but she is still wearing 12 months when she is 21 months old!).

There is much to anticipate in this coming year and we’re excited to see what is in store. We look forward to lots of days of building tents and tunnels with blankets and furniture (which the kids LOVE), reading books, having tea parties, wrestling matches with Griffin (and Ainsley joins in too!), and much more. 

Griffin and Ainsley in their holiday pajamas

Ainsley eager to get into the presents

Griffin using his special technique for opening presents

Daddy showing Griffin the “proper” technique
(NOTE: He ended up liking his way better!)

Ainsley and Griffin dressed up for the holiday festivities on Christmas Eve

Ainsley and Griffin enjoying a ride on their new train

Ainsley taking over the train

Griffin pinning Ainsley in one of many wrestling matches
(I bet she won’t steal his train again!)

Griffin so close to walking on his own

The “Clubb Family of Four” at Christmas

One last family dinner in NC before heading back to PA

Ainsley and Griffin driving home after a long holiday season on the go! See you in 2008!

BONUS: While in NC, we were able to visit with Mark Fox and his family (Mark was the pastor who married us nearly 13 years ago!)
And we will try to share as much as possible with you. Even so, while this Web site gives a glimpse into those types of moments (and others), it does not begin to capture all of the highs and lows of day-to-day, moment-by-moment life as the “Clubb Family of Four.” The words and pictures just cannot capture the raw, unplugged, unscripted life that we now lead with Ainsley and Griffin! What an exciting journey! Wish you could be here for all of the un-chronicled, off-camera moments that don’t make it into the updates. Those are actually the most precious!

Finally, for those who don’t know, Chinese New Year (also called Spring Festival) begins on February 7 this year (which is before our next update), so Happy New Year, again! 新年快樂 (Xīn nián kuài lè)! Happy New Year! We look forward to doing something special for Ainsley (and all of us) to experience this holiday.

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