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In China
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Monday, November 16, 2009

Well this has to be the longest day of our life. We woke up at 2:00 am to catch our flight, learning later that we could have slept for another hour.

We had a three hour layover in San Francisco and then it was off to Beijing. The flight was 12 hours, but it really wasn't that bad, we slept a little, ate alot (they kept feeding us every few hours) and watched movies. We arrived in Beijing at about 3:40 pm with a little dust of snow on the ground.

We found our guide easily and had a forty minute intense drive back to the hotel. The hotel is the Courtyard Marriot and the rooms seem nice so far, but Steve's already commented that the beds are hard. We took very few pictures today, but will post again on Wednesday after touring so check back then.

We love you boys and miss you already!!!

Packing the rental car

One of our meals on the plane

We loved the maps that showed us where we were!

The big plane we flew in.

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