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In China
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Today was a tour day. We began at the Summer Palace. Steve made a mistake first off by taking some sort of cooked nut from a street vendor and I thought we were going to have to buy the whole bag. Luckily we got away without having to make a purchase. Summer Palace was beautiful, but we were told it's much prettier in the summer months when everything is in bloom. It was very cold there and the lake was frozen solid with people ice-skating on it. The Palace ground were much larger than I ever imagined it to be, our guide said if we were to walk around the whole lake it would take over four hours. I've included a picture of us with the lake in the background. Also another one of what they call the marble boat, made completely of marble.

After Summer Palace she took us on to eat at a restaurant, the food was very good, they kept bring us more and more, even Steve couldn't finish it all. The next stop was the Temple of Heaven which is a Temple people went to worship for a good Harvest. On the outskirts of the Temple there were groups of people playing poker, dancing and singing Karaoke. We were told this is where the people hang out when they are retired to meet up with friends. The Temple of Heaven was beautiful, since we were so quick eating lunch the place was very quiet with very few people in sight. We even got a picture with us on the stairs with the Temple in the background with no other people around, which the guide says is a very rare thing. After that we were dropped off at our hotel to get rest. She picked us back up around 4:30 and we went to a show called Kung Fu.

It was a mixture of Kung fu and dancing that tells a story about a young boy who becomes the Abbott (boys we purchased the video for you guys to watch). I loved the show and really enjoyed watching the young kids who were about 7 or 8 do all kinds of flips. After dinner we were off again to another restaurant with again more food than we could eat. We also found out fortune cookies are an American thing, no fortune cookies after meals in China, our guide hadn't ever heard of such a thing. We'll were off to more touring tomorrow..........

Us at the Summer Palace

The Marble boat at Summer Palace

The frozen lake at Summer Palace

The Temple of Heaven

The backside of the Temple of Heaven

The Kung Fu Show

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