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In China
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Okay I don't know if you really would call it exploring Hong Kong if we were on a guided tour!

We started the morning early and eating our last breakfast at the White Swan. I am truly sad to be leaving, we have had such a positive experience in China and have met so many wonderful people that it makes it hard to leave. But we are missing our three boys at home so much and can't stay away any longer. We caught the 9:03 train to Hong Kong, it took roughly 2 hours from Guangzhou.

We had a long line to go through for customs and then very heavy luggage and a little girl to carry across an overpass and through a mall to our hotel. Our hotel is really nice and has a living room area and kitchen (we wish we had this while in Guangzhou). When we were exchanging money downstairs after we checked in I was asking about tours, it happen to be that one was leaving in half an hour. So we ran to the room packed some snacks and a bottle and went on the tour. We started out at the Man Mo Temple which was built in 1847, it reminded me of the Buddhist Temple in Guangzhou with lots more incents burning. After that we caught a Tram up to Victoria Peak and what an amazing few of the city that was. Then it was off to the Aberdeen fishing village, we took a sampan to look at all the boats. Then a quick stop to look at some expensive jewelry and we even drove past Jackie Chan's home in Hong Kong and seen the beach that they imported sand from Australia to make. Last stop was a shopping center called Stanley market where I bought Zoe her first ballet tutu.

A couple fun facts about Hong Kong: It's more westernized and just about everyone speaks English. Were not the minority anymore, there are lots of foreigners here since you don't need a visa to enter Hong Kong. They drive on the opposite side of the road than us and the driver also drives from the opposite side. In our group we met Australians, Indians and Spaniards.

We are off in the morning for our long journey home. Our next post will be from home, but give me a few days to adjust I hear the jetlag is horrible.

Love you boys and see you tomorrow!

In the train station ready to board

Dad & Zoe in front of Man Mo Temple

On top of Victoria's Peak

Dad & Zoe at Victoria's Peak

On the boat

Largest floating restaurant in the world 

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