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Trip to China
Itinerary  |  May 8  GOTCHA DAY!  |  May 9  May 10  |  May 11  |  May 12  |  May 13  |  May 14

May 15  May 16  May 17  |  May 18

Thursday, May 18, 2006

This is going to be very brief as tonight is our last night here. I am SO excited to be heading home tomorrow!!

Today went well as we had our swearing in at the consulate and we left with Sophie's visa and sealed folder to give to customs in Chicago. Please keep us in your prayers as we begin tomorrow on a 24+ hour travel day. I have enjoyed my time here so much, it's been an amazingly smooth trip and I am so grateful to Lifeline for taking care of everything for me! The staff in Alabama is awesome and the in China staff is amazing also! I also wanted to thank Lisa's dad, Ray Hoo, for very generously giving me my ticket to China. It was such an unexpected and wonderful surprise, thank you so much!! Thanks also to Joe and Jen, you guys do such a great job with the website!

Lots of love to everyone, thanks for following our journey to sweet Sophie :)

Waterfall picture at the White Swan

Enjoying our last meal here at the Cow and Bridge

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