We're Home
22, 2006 |
June 22, 2006 | July 28, 2006 | October 14, 2006 | December 29, 2006
March 21, 2007
May 8, 2007
May 8, 2008
March 21, 2007
What's new with Miss Sophie Lu? She is wonderful. A textbook
"easy child". And thank God! Coming on the heels of her
born-to-be-wild sister Isabelle, I can see God's great mercy in
sending us sweet Sophie :) But this does not mean she never
makes any kind of mischief, because she does. She just does it
in an 'easy' way. For example, Isabelle misbehaving would be:
lying on the floor at the doctor's office, screaming because I
won't allow her to throw all the magazines on the floor and
scale the magazine rack. In contrast, Sophie misbehaving is
trying to convince me that Isabelle's full juice cup is indeed
her cup, when hers goes missing. Big difference ;)
Sophie turned three on January 20. In celebration of her big day
we met her cousins, aunt and grandmother at a local children’s
museum. We chose this for her special day because they were
featuring a Chinese astrology exhibit in their planetarium.
Thankfully the kids loved the playing part because we could
barely keep them still in the planetarium for the show. Seems
she doesn’t quite have an appreciation for her Chinese heritage
yet ;) After the museum we headed to the Chinese buffet for
Sophie to enjoy one of her favorites: Chinese noodles. Seems
mama can’t quite make them the same way at home! At home we
celebrated with all the typical birthday goodies: balloons,
cake, ice cream and presents. This year’s chosen theme was
Strawberry Shortcake. Sophie had a bit of a time deciding
between that and My Little Pony, but eventually Strawberry
Shortcake won out. For her big day she received an adorable
playhouse, baby doll bed, Bratz pony and some frou-frou dress up
shoes. She thoroughly enjoyed all the special attention and we
were all grateful to be able to finally celebrate a birthday
with her, her first one since becoming a member of our family.
She has been home 10 months now and continues to amaze us with
her abilities to learn new things. She completed potty training
school in less than two weeks (after getting off to a bumpy
start!); she rarely has an accident and doesn’t even need a
diaper at night. I wish my other kids had been trained at such a
young age! She loves to ask questions, in fact, she just loves
to talk. I honestly wondered if I still had ears on my head the
other day, I was convinced she'd talked them clean off. She
loves to keep me informed of any misdoing in the household and
oftentimes I am very grateful for the heads up. Her sentences
are usually 4-5 words now and we are encouraging her to use
entire sentences to ask for things instead of just "more juice"
etc. We're working on manners also and she almost always begins
or ends most sentences with "please" or "thank you". Her newest
response to me when I ask her to do something is “Sure!” The
other day she said her longest, most grammatically correct
sentence ever when we were going out for a walk. I had the
camera over my shoulder while I was putting the girls' shoes on
and the dog was so excited to go along she was jumping up on me.
Sophie, our resident rule maker, said "No Velvet, don't touch
mama's camera!" Such a big girl!
Sophie has mastered her tricycle and is working on her scooter
skills. She loves to do just about anything outside and we are
all celebrating the arrival of warm weather here! Her ability to
run has greatly improved, much smoother and more coordinated
than when she came home. I doubt they encouraged running of any
kind at the orphanage! She can now jump well, stand on one foot
and has just learned how to ‘gallop’. She knows almost all her
colors, only occasionally mixing up red and green. She loves
pink now and if given the choice, every cup, article of clothing
and toy given to her would be pink. Orange is her next, but
distant, favorite. |

Sophie is an amazing big sister

"Strawberry Shortcake rocks!"

Can never have too many sprinkles

Making s'mores in the backyard

Sophie is a girly girl :)

"I can ride and smile at the same time"
She loves to count things and does
so well, "one, two, three, four, nine, six, seven, eight..." She
is so proud of herself; it is difficult to correct her. She loves doing puzzles, lacing
toys, stringing beads, and loves to color. When she finishes a
picture she makes sure I hang her masterpiece somewhere and then
constantly refers to it as "Sophie's!" In fact she labels many
things as "Sophie's". The girls now wear the same size shoe so
often I will buy a pair of shoes in two colors and Sophie has to
be sure which one is hers (of course, the pink!) and then
notifies everyone in the household. Fortunately Isabelle
couldn't care less about whose is whose so Sophie can pretty
much lay claim to anything she chooses. We are working on the
concept of sharing, and Sophie shares beautifully much of the
time, especially with Isabelle. Her sweet nature is sure to give
way to less possessiveness as she learns she will always have
Sophie still loves to be on the go. Since Isabelle has three
therapy sessions a week (along with countless other appointments
for every one else!), Sophie gets her wish of lots of time spent
‘going’. Unfortunately, Sophie doesn’t get to participate in
Isabelle’s sessions, but the consolation prize is lots of ‘mama
time’ when Belle is in a session ;) Also, Isabelle’s speech is
located at an office that offers hippo-therapy so there is a
barn there stocked with horses, chickens and rabbits. Sophie
loves to spend time naming the animals and trying to entice the
horses over to the fence with offers of grass. She recently
figured out that rabbits like to eat grass too and she had a
wonderful time trying to put blades of grass through the wire on
the rabbit cage. Quite a far cry from the little girl who was
terrified of our little Jack Russell!
Sophie continues to grow, but she is slowing up a bit. She now
weighs 32 pounds (60%) and is 37 inches (40%). She wears 3T
clothes and an 8 shoe. She isn’t quite as ravenous as she was
before, eating less at mealtimes. But she loves to snack! I
think she would eat every hour on the hour if given the chance.
Her favorite snacks are granola bars, fruit snacks, popcorn, and
any kind of lunch meat. At mealtimes she still chooses any kind
of meat over carbohydrates, except rice or noodles. She is
becoming more adventurous with her choices of fruits and
veggies. Her current picks are banana, apple, peas, beans,
mandarin oranges and salad. Her favorite place for lunch on the
go is, as you might have guessed, McDonald’s. I am not sure if
it’s because of the food or the play place because the only food
she will eat there is French fries. We were there the other day
(surprise) and I pointed out a tiny fry and referred to it as a
“baby” fry. She then named a fry in honor of each member of our
family, in ascending order. It seems that she is enjoying being
a member of this family as much as we are enjoying her! |
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