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22, 2006 |
June 22, 2006 | July 28, 2006 | October 14, 2006 | December 29, 2006
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May 8, 2008
May 8, 2008
Sophie Lulu is 4 now! On January 20, we celebrated her 4th
birthday with dinner at McDonald’s (her choice!), Dora the
Explorer cake, surrounded by her siblings. She had looked
forward to the day for so long and thankfully, when the day
finally came, it did not disappoint. Her big gift was a Schwinn
Sting Ray bicycle… purple and pink with training wheels. She was
able to get on and ride it right away, wearing a circular path
around the inside of the house. She loved it and we all loved
watching her go.
Sophie has enjoyed spending this school year at home with Jude
and me, but she’s ready to go to school in the fall. She’ll be
going into Pre-K (which positively blows my mind!) and I think
she’s going to love it. She often remarks on Isabelle’s
handiwork that comes home from school and even though we often
go to Isabelle’s class to participate in parties and events, I
know she would love to do these things on a daily basis. She
continues to amaze us with her ability to talk to anyone and
everyone about anything and everything. She is curious and
loquacious and between the two, she rarely has a quiet moment.
She loves books and will sit happily being read to for hours.
Well, she’ll sit, but she’s still busy even when she’s sitting.
She loves to get into mama’s stuff and often has to sit in a
time out for getting into something she knows is off limits. We
have found her in the medicine cabinet (she was able to get the
child lock off), TUMS in hand, offering some to her little
brother! We are reminded of her Half the Sky reports describing
her as a bit of a scamp, as she was always able to ‘climb to the
highest spot for cookies and candies’! We can confirm that she
hasn’t changed!
Sophie and Isabelle continue to be the best of friends. They are
the perfect pair, obviously matched by the Master Himself.
Sophie is so good for Isabelle, encouraging her to participate
in age appropriate play, and talking to her non stop! And
Isabelle is wonderful for Sophie, a constant and tireless
companion, who seemingly never tires of her non-stop commentary.
Sometimes Isabelle does tune Sophie out, which sends Sophie
running to me yelling, "Mama! Isabelle's being a 'tato!" The two
of them love to play outside together and recently little
brother Jude has joined the growing gang. The only time we have
to separate them is at night as Isabelle was waking up 8 ‐ 10
times a night and crying. After months of having to endure this,
we decided to move Sophie out, determined to let Isabelle learn
to comfort herself at night after the first few wake ups.
Interestingly enough, Isabelle has yet to cry since Sophie is no
longer sleeping with her, and Sophie is thrilled to be sleeping
with the ‘big boys’. In fact, she has surprised us a few times
by actually asking to go to bed, she is so crazy about her
little trundle bed.
Sophie is growing and becoming more of a little girl and less of
a toddler every day. She is every bit a girly girl, no
rough-housing for her, thank you. Her brothers can make her
laugh like no one else, but that's the end of her wanting to do
'boy stuff'. She loves to play dress up and never misses an
opportunity to have her nails painted or watch a princess movie.
She is wearing a 4 and 5T now and needs every bit of the length.
She still has a toddler belly and is proud to show it off to
everyone after a big dinner. She’s without question the most
adventurous eater in the house and there isn’t too much we have
found that she won’t at least try. She consistently wants
whatever anyone else has, no matter if she just ate or not.
Wanting ‘some’ might just mean one bite, but a bite nonetheless.
She will tell us, "Mei Mei likes ice cream. I like meat!"
Indeed. She continues to astound us with her healthy
constitution, she has only been to the doctor one time for being
sick in the last year. Even when everyone else is coughing,
feverish and/or vomiting, Sophie is happily playing, unaware of
the germs that loom all around her.
Today marks two years since I met Sophie Lu in Nanning, China.
She has changed in so many ways since those first weeks we spent
together, yet so much the same. She has an understated elegance
and quiet beauty about her. She has a joy for living, doing,
going. She is loving and generous and can capture your heart
with those precious dimples when she smiles. And she has blessed
our family from the moment I first held her in my arms. |

Having fun at the Fall Festival

Celebrating Halloween with her cousin, Dane

Beautiful Sophie Lulu at Christmas

Sophie riding her birthday bike! |

Dragon dancing for Chinese New Year |

Our precious girl ~ home for 2 years! |
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