We're Home
22, 2006 |
June 22, 2006 |
July 28, 2006 |
October 14, 2006
| December 29, 2006
March 21, 2007
May 8, 2007
May 8, 2008
October 14, 2006
Sophie has now been part of our family for 5 months. It's hard
to believe that only 5 months ago we were still at the White
Swan, preparing to come home. Our time in China was
extraordinary, a true bonding experience for her and I since it
was only the two of us. Since we have been home Sophie has
continued to bond with all of us, amazing us with her ability to
draw others in with her hearty belly laugh, kissable dimples and
effusive chattering.
Sophie loves to talk. Since about the fourth month home, her
English has exploded. She can speak in short sentences, at least
the short sentence is the part I can understand! Sophie actually
talks all the time. When she first came home I'm confident she
was speaking Chinese, but now I think most of what she's saying
is English, with a Chinese accent. Even the therapist that comes
to our house for Isabelle noticed Sophie's 'accent'. It does
make it harder to understand her, but it's pretty darn cute.
She's learned to say "my" and "mine"...she does love to lay
claim to things she loves. She also says "my turn" too. She is
always aware when someone is getting something she thinks is a
bigger and better deal. Which makes it very hard to parent her
and Isabelle at the same time. Since whatever Isabelle is doing,
even if it was to occupy her while Sophie was doing what she
wanted to do, seems to be more fun to Sophie! We are trying to
slowly teach her some patience and she is doing remarkably well.
She used to start crying immediately, getting louder and louder
hoping her endurance would wear us out. But we have given her
words and/or signs to ask for what she wants and her crying and
fussing have been reduced dramatically. She calls everyone in
the family by name, no longer substituting "ge ge" for any
brother whose name she couldn't say. She continues to call
Isabelle "mei mei" and it has really begun to stick! She calls
herself XiaoXiao still, but the other day she called herself
XiaoSophie. She actually said "XiaoOphie" but that's the best
she can do with her name so far ;)
Sophie still loves to be on the go, which is a great thing since
we seem to be going all the time lately! She's good to go just
about anywhere, even though her favorite place to go right now
is the McDonald's play place. She and Isabelle have begun to
rely on each other and they are able to venture off, into the
tubes and down the slides. She's begun to enjoy American food
more, thankfully, since I can't cook Chinese dishes very well.
Her favorites are noodles and meat, meat, meat! At dinner she
usually finishes her meat and asks for more throughout the meal.
We laugh because Isabelle usually chooses the other main food
we're serving so they are very well suited as sisters. She also
likes apples, raisins and eggs. She's growing well and is now 36
inches tall (40%) and 32 pounds (73%).
Sophie is showing some signs of being ready to potty train.
Randomly throughout the day she'll want to go pee pee on the
potty. Of course, she does this after she's already gone in her
diaper! But we're indulging her, hoping soon she'll be able to
use the potty exclusively. She's also showing great interest in
learning her colors. In fact, some days that's almost all she
wants to talk about! Everything she shows me she says "lellow?"
or "geen?" These seem to be the colors she has the easiest time
identifying. She is also fascinated with the boys going to
school. Everytime we pass their school or a yellow school bus
she says "Dalton chool?" I always answer, "Yes, Dalton is at
school" but sometimes she asks me over and over, just so we can
have a 'conversation' about their school. It's astonishing to
see her desire to learn new things, to see how things work and
how she influences her environment. She's a very bright child.
Recently we all went to the Georgia National Fair with my
sister, her husband and their kids. It was a blast! I was a
little worried how the girls would handle the masses of people,
lights, rides and chaos. But I needn't have worried about
Sophie. |

Looking angelic at the Botanical Gardens

Enjoying some pool time

Getting a horseback ride from JieJie

Enjoying the Chinese Moon Festival

Riding the carousel with cousin Taylor

"I love my cousin Dane!"
She loves to be where the action
is. Before we'd put her on a ride we'd ask her is she wanted to
ride it. Her answer was always a resounding "yes!" Her favorite
ride was the race cars, and she loved the part of the ride when
the cars raced around the corner. The smile on her face was
priceless :)
We also visited the petting zoo at
the fair. Sophie just walked right up to the fencing and reached
in to pet all the animals, including a llama and a yak! This is
a far cry from the little girl who used to be too afraid to get
near our 20 pound Jack Russell! The goats were even nibbling her
fingers, hoping to be fed, and she just giggled. She has such a
fun-loving, easy going personality, we can't wait for the
upcoming holiday season! Stay tuned to see pictures of Sophie at
halloween...she's going to be a fairy princess, of course! |
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