We're Home
22, 2006 |
June 22, 2006 | July 28, 2006 | October 14, 2006 | December 29, 2006
March 21, 2007 |
May 8, 2007
May 8, 2008
May 8, 2007
One year ago today I met my lovely Sophie Lu in the Nanning
Civil Affairs Office. I was so nervous as we rode up the
elevator, I remember worrying that I might faint! I was about to
meet the little cherub-faced girl who had captured my heart
eight long months before. But my sweet girl was about to lose
everything that had become precious to her. I was told to wait
in one of the empty rooms, and soon I heard the sound of squeaky
shoes approaching. She was lead into the room by the Guilin SWI
director, wearing a black t-shirt, white pants and navy blue
squeaky sandals. My first glimpse of her was truly love at first
sight. My cheeks felt hot, my knees almost buckled and I
couldn't hold back the tears. It was the beginning of something
Sophie has comfortably found her 'spot' in our family. She
definitely has a confidence about her that has taken the last
year to develop. She still prefers momma for most things, but
daddy is quickly becoming a close second pick. He has been away
for almost half the time she has been home, so I imagine that
now that he is home to stay for awhile, my top spot might be
overthrown soon! She asks about him during the day and often
wants to call him on the phone to tell him that she misses him.
Of course, this gets her just about anything when daddy gets
home :) We are thrilled that she is learning that she can love
more than one person. For the longest time she would only say
she loved momma, even though she clearly loved the rest of the
family. I suspect it had something to do with her time at the
orphanage and feeling like she had to be 'loyal' to her
caretaker for fear of losing the one she loved most. We try to
remind her frequently that she can love all of us at the same
time, she's not getting rid of any of us!!
Sophie loves to play and is almost always on the move trying to
find something new to entertain herself. She enjoys books and is
as content to listen to the Merck Veterinary Manual as she is
good ol' "No, David!" We have several sets of flash cards to
help build the girls' vocabulary (really just Isabelle's!) and
she, if given the chance, would name everything off before
Isabelle can! She loves to learn new words and almost always
incorporates them into her vocabulary quickly. We still have
moments of misunderstandings, but she is becoming more forgiving
of her ignorant momma. She also enjoys asking questions, her two
favorites are "Are we going bye-bye?" and "Can I go outside to
play?" The first is based on her LOVE of going...going anywhere.
The second is probably a universal query of kids everywhere;
Sophie loves to play outside. We have been going to the park on
a regular basis since Asher's twice weekly baseball practice is
next to a park. The girls have been loving all the free time and
it is amazing to see how much Sophie's ability to run and climb
have improved.
In late April we spent a long weekend away in Nashville. We
stayed at a hotel and, as usual, did all the fun-for-kids things
while we were there: jumping on beds, staying up late, swimming
in the still-icy pool and eating anything and everything at the
complimentary buffet. Sophie loved it so much, she has been
asking to go back to the hotel ever since :) We spent Saturday
at our friends, the Haleys, farm. They have 250 acres of
beautiful land, a creek, some neighboring cows and donkeys and a
couple of ATV's. We all thoroughly enjoyed the day skipping
rocks, riding the 4 wheelers, making a bonfire and trying to
ignite a cow stampede. Sophie loved every minute of it, she is
definitely a girl who loves to be on the go.
On May 1st we officially readopted Sophie Lu! In fact, up until
that time, her legal name was still JingXiao Yang(maybe that's
why she still wanted to be called XiaoXiao!) We filed the papers
at the courthouse ourselves and the process could not have gone
more smoothly. The judge was so kind and excited for us, we went
into her chambers and were done in less than five minutes!
Sophie took it all in, not really having any idea what all the
fuss was about. But we tried to impress upon her what a big
event it was, it was HER day. |

Sophie loves to play "dress up!"

Enjoying an afternoon at the park

Posing with big sister Tori

Officially readopted on May 1st! Yay!

Stopping to smell the flowers

Our precious Sophie Lu |
We went out for Chinese afterward
and then to Target to buy her a present of her choosing. Her
pick? A Dora the Explorer Super Sticker Book. It was such a
special day for all of us, knowing that our sweet girl was now
Sophie Lulu JingXiao, now and always our daughter and citizen of
the United States of America!!
Sophie has astounded us all with her ability to love, to laugh
and to enjoy life no matter what it comes her way. She lost so
much that day that we met and became a family in the Nanning
Civil Affairs Office. At just one week of age she lost her birth
family, when she was placed at a gate near the train station in
Guilin. At the age of two she lost the safety and comfort of the
place she had known as 'home' for as long as she could remember.
She also lost a nanny that she called "mama," whom she had grown
to trust and love deeply. Since then she has found the courage
to trust again, to love again. We are so grateful that God chose
her to be our daughter, and chose us to be her family. And we
are very much looking forward to helping her fully grasp what it
means for her to finally have a family of her own: no more loss
without someone there to comfort her, no more sadness without
someone there to mourn with her, no more loneliness without
someone's arms around her. |
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