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In China
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Monday, November 23, 2009

We have our little girl!!! Our appointment was at 2:30 in the afternoon, and it was the longest wait yet. We met our guide in the lobby at 2:15 and had a fifteen minute ride to the place where we met Zoe.

We just walked in and started filling out paperwork when they called our name to meet our little girl. I was already crying at this point and could not believe my eyes when I finally seen her come out. She had a nanny behind her that kept edging her forward, I reached out for her and she started backing up. So I went ahead and picked her up and she cried her little head off. She cried for about 3 minutes and then we remembered we had brought treats for her. We sat down on the couch and started feeding her and she stopped crying right away. She is even more beautiful in person! We showed her all of her toys from her backpack and she really liked her princess phone, I showed her how to push the button to make it light up and she copied me. We sat for about half an hour taking turns holding her and then spoke with her nanny about her history. Another little boy from her orphanage was being adopted the same day and kept calling out to her Mei Mei (meaning sister), he even ran over and gave her his sucker and traded for her phone.

After another fifteen minutes it was time to go back to the Hotel. We came back and talked with Conor, My mom and also Steve's mom on skype and let them see her, it was after midnight their time. Since she was doing so well we decide to take her out to eat and she ate at her first restaurant Lucy's, we ordered her some Chicken congee and she ate it all and even nibbled on a french fry. We even got a few shy smiles at dinner. Now she is in our bed with a warm water bottle watching TV. Enjoy the pictures!

Boys you are now big brothers to a little sister!!!

Love you all

Our first glimpse of Zoe

Crying after I picked her up

Daddy and his little girl

Our first picture with her

Eating her Chicken congee at Lucy's

Trying her first french fry

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