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In China
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today Zoe is officially our daughter in the eyes of the Chinese government! We had a very good night last night. Zoe woke up once and we gave her a bottle and she slept until 6:00.

She was a little sad when she first woke up, but had more smiles for us today than yesterday. We met our guide in the lobby of the hotel at 9:00 am and rode back to the adoption office.

Zoe was very sad on the way there and I don't think she understood what was going on, I'm sure she was very confused to see the same room again that we met in yesterday. She stayed close to us the whole time.

We went into to two different offices where we were asked a few questions about the adoption and then it was finalized, she is officially ours. After we were done we decided to go to the grocery store to get some supplies. The grocery store was their version of our Walmart. I posted a picture of the meat section of the store where they had all kinds of live fish, snakes, turtles, squid and a carcass of a sheep hanging. Definitely nothing you would see in our Walmart. They use the snakes and turtles for soup. After Walmart we got a quick bite to eat at a KFC and then headed back to the Hotel to let her take a nap. At 3:00 we met our guide again and had a fifteen minute walk to the medical center. At the medical center she got a physical exam and they toke her weight and height. She is 27lbs, almost as big as her big brother Chase. She also had to have 5 shots and a TB test done and cried her little head off. Steve went in with her when she had the shots and she glared at him the whole way back to the hotel. Now she's playing on the bed with Daddy, so I think she's already forgiven him.

Tomorrow we have pretty much a free day until the afternoon and we will go to apply for her Visa. We love you boys and will see you in ten more days!

Adoption Day - Zoe is ours!

At the Guangzhou Adoption Center

Fish for sale at the grocery store

Zoe loves books

Sad girl at the Medical clinic

She knows how to hold a pencil!

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