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In China
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I want to start off by thanking everyone again for all of the sweet comments left in our guest book. We can't wait for you all to meet our little girl.

Last night Zoe started showing her personality and was having lots of fun playing with dad (she did forgive him for yesterday). This morning she woke up in a good mood, but when we tried the bath

again she got really scared and starting crying, I had to get my suit on and climbed in with her and she finally calmed down. I'm posting a picture from breakfast with her smiling, we keep getting more and more smiles.

She's talking more now and makes all kinds of faces. She knows how to clap her hands, give you five and thumbs up sign (I just taught her this). She picks up on things really fast and just needs to be shown once and then she will copy you. After breakfast we borrowed a stroller from a local market and walked across the Island to a Medicine Market. I didn't recognized half the stuff for sale, but did recognize the dried up snakes and seahorses. I took a picture of the thousands of seahorse on the ground for sale. Our guide says when people get sick and go to the doctor they don't prescribe pills, they prescribe multiple different herbs, spices, etc to mix together and drink as a tea. We then walked over to the local park and let Zoe play on the slide, she really enjoyed the playground but scared us the first time down the slide because she didn't sit down. She napped afterwards for about 2 hours and then we met our guide in the lobby to go to the police station to file for her passport. She started crying once she seen the van and cried for quite awhile in the van, she was once again confused about what was happening. She was sad the whole trip there and at the station, but as soon as she seen the hotel she started jabbering and smiling again.

Tomorrow we go visit her orphanage and I have mixed feelings about this. I know she will be sad in the van for the trip there and very confused when she sees where we are, but I think she needs to be able to say goodbye to everyone one more time. Also it's very important for us to see where she spent the first two years of her life. Love you boys and eat lots of turkey for us tomorrow!

Smiles from breakfast

Mushrooms maybe??

Dried seahorses

Having fun on the slide

She loved hanging from this

She loves her cell phone

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