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In China
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Thursday, November 26, 2009

First Happy Thanksgiving everyone, we will be missing the Turkey!

Today we went back to Zoe's orphanage. It was about an 1 1/2 hour drive to the city of Dongguan.

She didn't recognize it at first, it wasn't until we were on the second floor with the children and nannies that she heard the voice of her favorite nanny.

She squirmed out of Steve's hands and ran down the hall to her Nanny Lee. She was so happy to see her! Lots of nanny's came up and gave her kisses and told her that she looked very pretty. We then went into a room with the nannies to ask a few questions and Zoe sat with her nanny the entire time. There was also a man her came in to see her and was very fond of Zoe, she was all smiles for him too. When it came time to come back to us she cried and threw herself back, you could tell that she was very much loved and attached to the nanny's. She finally calmed down after her favorite nanny left the room. We then walk down to their play area and let her see the playground, she was very sad here and didn't want to play with anything. On our way out we got to meet another little girl from the Orphanage and take pictures for her family. They didn't let us in any of the children's areas because they are still concerned about the H1N1 and don't want the kids to get it.

After leaving the Orphanage we drove to her finding spot, which was about a 20 minute drive from the Orphanage. It was at a local Hospital in Dongguan, me and the guide were able to go up to the fourth floor of the Hospital in the Pediatric wing and take pictures of her exact finding spot on a chair just outside the Nurse's station. There were many young sick children in this area and all the rooms were full so there were people in the halls also. Her mom must of really loved her to risk herself getting caught to place in an area she knew that she would be found right away.

On our way out of Dongguan we stopped and ate at a local Cantonese restaurant, which was very tasty. Steve and I tried the roast duck (the closest that were going to get to a turkey today).

Although today was a long emotional day I feel blessed that we were able to travel to Dongguan and get pictures with the nanny's that she knew for the first two years of her life and for her to have that final goodbye.

Love you boys!!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Cute little girl

Modeling already

Zoe with her favorite nanny Miss Lee

Us in front of the Dongguan Orphanage

Zoe's finding spot

Us & our guide at Cantonese restaurant in Dongguan

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