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In China
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Friday, November 27, 2009

We now have an active toddler. Zoe is coming out of her shell more and more and showing us her true personality. She doesn't cry anymore in the car but gets really quiet still.

This morning we met our guide in the lobby at 9:00 am and took a short cab ride to the Buddhist Temple. This Temple is very old, built in 541 A.D. There is a nine story Pagoda and many small Temples. We had Zoe and our family blessed by the Monk. She sat on her knees like us during the whole ceremony. After that we took another cab ride to Chen's Ancestral Hall, which has many different galleries within it. Zoe loved this placed and would run along the long pathways and we had to run to catch up. We bought the kids some cool bracelets with a real scorpion, spider and small crab in it. We took another cab ride from here to the Jade Market, which was like a very big shopping mall with lots of different shops. We ate lunch at the same mall and had Dim Sum which was very good. We sat by all of the cooks and they couldn't keep their eyes off Zoe, I don't think they got much work done while we were there. We got back just after 1:00 pm and talked to Uncle Sean and Aunt Anna on Skype and then settled in for a 3 hour nap. Enjoy the pictures!

Being blessed by the Monk

Zoe inside the Temple after Blessing

Us in front of the Pagoda

Zoe having fun

In front of Chen's Hall

Eating Dim Sum at lunch

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