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In China
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Saturday, November 28, 2009

This morning at breakfast we met up with some fellow RQ families. These are adopting families that I have been chatting with online during this long wait.

We spent the morning playing in the White Swan playroom and then walking around the Island shopping. We met our guide this afternoon at 2:30 and took a cab to the Yuntai Gardens. This garden had several different water fountains and different trees and flowers. Zoe got to try her first popsicle ice cream here.

She didn't know what to think of it at first but seemed to like it. She came out of her shell after awhile and was running down the pathways, she is really hard to catch.

She was so cute posing in front of the different characters at one section of the garden. Boys were posting the one of her in front of Pikachu and Spiderman. On our way out of the park I got grabbed by two girls who wanted their picture with me, we also had Steve and Zoe join in the picture. Tonight we are going to try out the Italian Restaurant with a family that we met and tomorrow we will tour the Safari Park.

Love you boys and miss, less than a week left!

Not too sure of things yet

In front of the lake

Eating the popsicle

Mommy & Zoe with Pikachu

Daddy, Zoe & Spiderman

The girls that grabbed us for a picture

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