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In China
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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Today we hired a driver and went to the Guangzhou Safari Park. It was about a 30 minute drive from our hotel. The park is huge and it was very busy since it was a Sunday.

We started out looking at the animals and couldn't believe the variety of different monkeys they had. We watched the 11:30 Monkey show and Zoe loved it, she caught on quick and knew when to clap. Her favorite show however was the elephant show, she kept squealing and clapping during the whole show. We seen lots of Panda's I think I counted about 8 and they were all chewing on bamboo leaves.

Zoe got to ride on her first Carousal ride and loved it, every time she would go by me and wave she would squeal with delight. She didn't want to get off when it stopped. The last thing we did was ride the Safari train, Zoe fell asleep shortly after it started it was past her nap time. We seen tons of tigers, white tigers, lions and bears, I couldn't believe how many they had of each animal. It was well worth the trip and we wish we had more time to watch the other shows they had. Love you boys and missed you today, you guys would have had a blast at the Safari park.

All dressed up for the day
(the bow didn't last long)

In front of the elephants with dad

The elephant show that she loved

Loving the Carousal ride

The Giraffe's

Nap time on the train

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