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In China
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Monday, November 30, 2009

Today was another free day. We went shopping, played in the White Swan playroom, and shopped some more. We had to wait in our room between 11 & 12 for our guide to be able to contact us if there were any issues with our paperwork. She called us at 12:05 to let us know everything was good. Zoe had a hard time after waking up from her nap today and cried for about 20 minutes, I think she was grieving. She perked up once we went to the Deli for dinner and has been happy since.

Enjoy the pictures from today. Tomorrow we go to the U.S Consulate for our Oath taking ceremony and have some more free time.

Love you boys . . . 4 more days!

Zoe chowing down on an apple

Having fun with the big red ball

The musical chair she loved

Sad girl combing her hair

Walking in her new squeaky shoes

Playing in the playroom after dinner

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