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In China
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Today started out like any other day. Wake up, talk to the kids on skype, go to breakfast. We had to pick up a stamp we had made from a shop, so we walked around a little. We came back for our daily nap which we all come to love since were all tired by mid day. We met our guide at 2:15 and rode with approx. 25 other families to the U.S. Consulate for the Oath Ceremony. They don't allow pictures inside so we have only one picture from this part of the day in front of the sign downstairs.

We came back at 4:45 and met up with Naomi and her family. Naomi and Zoe were in the same Orphanage and we think in the same room. When I sent Zoe a cake for her birthday back in July I received 8 pictures and one was with another little girl holding her hand. We wondered who this other little girl was. We'll one day, not to long after we had seen the picture, I was looking at Jennifer & Joe's adoption websites and came across Naomi's picture. I knew right away it was her and emailed her family right away, I sent them the pictures I had of Naomi with Zoe. We were hoping that we would be able to meet sometime during our stay in Guangzhou and were excited to hear they were one week behind us. Zoe seemed to recognize Naomi right away and had a big smile on her face, Naomi was still being pretty reserved since she met her family just yesterday. The great part is that they live about 5 hours away from us!

For dinner we tried out the Thai restaurant on the Island, we ate with the Barton family whom we've had a great time getting to known over the past two weeks.

Tomorrow is our last day in Guangzhou and then were of to Hong Kong for the night and then the long flight home.

Looking cute in red & black
(the headband lasted 10 seconds)

Zoe loves pushing the elevator button

Ann our guide with Zoe

After the Oath Ceremony at the Consulate

Zoe & Naomi at the Orphanage

Zoe & Naomi reunited

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